
Avro Heritage Centre, Woodford

C+A, working with BAE Systems and the Avro Heritage Trust, have designed a new Heritage Centre at the former Woodford Aerodrome site. A planning application should be determined early April 2014.

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The development involves the conversion and extension of the former fire station which is located in the southern area of the former aerodrome.

The building will provide a range of accommodation facilities for the Heritage Centre. The ground floor provides a reception area which leads into a large exhibition space which also exhibits the nose of a Vulcan Bomber. The exhibition hall is a large space to full roof height which allows for the display of exhibition pieces together with the range of items to be transferred from the existing center. The ground floor will also provide a shop, function room / classroom, toilets, dry storage and archive rooms.

The first floor includes a viewing platform over the exhibition hall, further archive rooms and a café The café provides a glazed frontage to allow an extensive viewing area looking out on the permanent display of a Vulcan Bomber.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

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