
Cassidy + Ashton submits Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone plans

Cassidy + Ashton has formally submitted plans for Phase 1 of the development at Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone including the creation of new business and industrial units, a sports village and a new eastern gateway access road.

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The outline planning application is an early step in delivering the planned first three-year investment of £28.8m allocated for the redevelopment of the 144 hectare Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone.

Cassidy + Ashton has submitted the plans on behalf of the Enterprise Zone and both Blackpool Council and Fylde Borough Council.

The area of proposed development within Phase 1 will cover approximately 33 hectares to the south east of the Enterprise Zone, with the application site lying within both Blackpool and Fylde Borough Councils, though predominately Blackpool.

It sets out a blue print to relocate the existing Common Edge Playing Field football pitches, including new facilities for AFC Blackpool so that land is unlocked for much needed industrial development and to create more jobs for the area. It is expected that up to 25 parcels of serviced land could be brought forward during Phase 1 and work is expected to be completed by 2023.

Amy Johnson Way on the existing business park will be linked to the new spine road by a roundabout providing access from Common Edge Road, Marton before it meets Queensway.

The outline application includes plans for up to:

  • 90,000 sq m – industrial floorspace (B1, B2 & B8) will be created to the north of the site adjacent to the existing business use on the EZ
  • 7,725 sq m – leisure use D2 which will include a mix of facilities including fitness studios and changing rooms, a nursery (D1), tennis/netball centre and rifle club
  • 323 sq m – retail (A1)
  • 300 sq m – café and/or sports bar (A3)
  • Up to 57 houses (C3)
  • 2 x artificial 3G sports pitches and stadia facilities for AFC
  • 10 grass sports pitches with floodlighting
  • A new cricket pavilion
  • Ancillary elements including a new access road, car park, sub-station, public open spaces

Alban Cassidy, director at Cassidy + Ashton, said: “We’re incredibly proud to be involved in this major project to breathe new commercial life into such an important and historic location in Blackpool.

“Getting the site operating at its full potential has long been a strategic goal of the council and its wider stakeholders. We’re thrilled to be advising them as they seek to capitalise on the site’s Enterprise Zone status.”

Cllr Mark Smith Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Economic Development, said, “This application is for the first phase of the masterplan which will see the south eastern part of the site delivered including the first part of the new spine road. Relieving congestion in the local area is a primary concern for local businesses and residents and I’m delighted to see plans taking shape to address this, as well as making good provision for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. 

“Delivering new industrial sites is a priority for Blackpool to meet increasing local demand but it is also great to see improvements being made to the sports and leisure facilities in the area to promote physical exercise, healthy lifestyles and community facilities that everyone can enjoy.”

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

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