
Below are a series of draft plans and documents which have been produced in relation to the proposed development of 20 no. apartments at a Vacant plot of Land South of Central Buildings, Bridge Street, Wrexham. The documentation has been produced for the purpose of a Pre-application Consultation Exercise, in compliance with the Planning (Wales) Act 2015.

The proposed development is as follows:

New-build residential development (20no. apartments), with associated access and parking.

This consultation is open for a period of 4 weeks, from 03/05/2024– 31/05/2024. 

You are welcomed to make comments on this draft pack of application documentation. All comments will be considered in detail prior to submission of the formal planning application to Wrexham County Borough Council and will assist in shaping the proposed development.

Please make comments via the online form below. All comments must be submitted by 31/05/2024. 

Thank you. Diolch yn fawr.

Have your say

Please submit comments below by 31/05/2024.

    • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
    • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
    • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
    • iso9001
    • iso14001
    • abr

    Thank you

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