
Plans submitted for residential scheme in Blackpool

Plans have now been submitted to Blackpool Council for the redevelopment of Troutbeck Crescent in Blackpool on behalf of Blackpool Coastal Housing.

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The aim of the project is, following demolition of the existing 81 no. flats, to replace them with a scheme of new build affordable rent homes, of which there would be a mix of one, two and three bedroomed units up to three storeys in height.

The redevelopment is proposed in order to address the continuing unpopularity of the existing flats by Council tenants and to improve the condition and quality of the accommodation available for social rent in the Borough. The development works proposed include the construction of 75 no. terraced properties, accessible units and apartments for affordable rent alongside associated highways, landscaping and public realm works.

The overall objectives of this development are to:

  1. Address the need for more high quality affordable housing in Blackpool;
  2. Deliver a development which is sustainable in the long term;
  3. Provide an attractive environment that integrates with the surrounding suburban area of Mereside and the Whyndyke Farm development creating an inviting gateway into Blackpool;
  4. Promote a strong community by helping existing residents remain in the area, providing a mix of housing types to meet the needs of households with different incomes, provide opportunities for surrounding residents to give their views and engage in the redevelopment process and balance working people and people with the greatest housing needs in letting the new homes;
  5. Make good use of financial resources by delivering a cost effective development that can be funded from rents received at the development over the next 35 years; and
  6. Support the local economy by maximising the use of locally-based building contractors and local labour and by providing training opportunities to young people in the area.

Planning approval is expected in June with works commencing on site in the Autumn.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

Thank you

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