
RTPI NW Regional Awards for Planning Excellence

We're delighted to announce that C+A have won the 'Delivering Housing' category for our work in connection to Whyndyke Garden Village Healthy New Town, awarded by the RTPI North West.

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The Judges comments included:

The objectives of this project to develop best practice, case studies and guidance to ensure all new housing developments shape, embed and promote healthy living principles were challenging in translating these into the planned Healthy New Town. The Judges were impressed with the collaboration between the three local authorities of Fylde, Blackpool and Lancashire county Council together with Lancaster University and the National Health Service in creating innovative solutions to the challenging agenda they set to demonstrate how health and care services are at the heart of this new community.

This success is being accomplished through innovative applications of the planning process and the facilitation of wider applications from the novel research and experimentation being carried out in this project. The outcomes provide for the development of homes for Life Long Living, an exciting Digital Home being created by Lancaster University and a Health Hub. From this project, Fylde Borough Council is already developing a supplementary planning document to ensure the principles of this Healthy New Town are applied to new developments throughout their Borough.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

Thank you

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