Elmridge Primary School, Trafford
Planning permission has been granted at Elmridge Primary School, Trafford, for a scheme to extend the current school from a 1 form entry to a 2 form entry, requiring an additional 7 classrooms and associated ancillary spaces.
Extension works include a new 2 storey junior block, featuring six junior classrooms with ancillary facilities, a new main hall with storage, linked to the existing main building, and a small extension to the existing library to create a new infant classroom.
The existing hall and kitchen will be reconfigured to allow for access to the new two storey block, and create an additional small hall and new library/resources space. The whole school will be reorganised to consolidate infants and juniors together.
Externally, a new junior playground will be built to the rear of the school and the existing staff car park will be refurbished and extended to meet requirements.