
Lymm Foodstore Approved

Warrington Council has signed off plans for a 6,500 sq ft convenience store, on the site of a former petrol station on Rush Green Road.

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The project is being brought forward by Sale-based property development and investment company Brookhouse Group. The occupier of the store is yet to be named.

Development of the store will include parking for 57 cars. Tom Whitehead, town planning manager at Brookhouse, said: “This is a fantastic result and we now look forward to further progressing the proposal, including confirming the operator.

“As well as bringing this derelict land back into use, the store will offer a number of benefits to the local community. The supportive feedback we received highlighted that many residents are looking forward to the prospect of new jobs and greater choice as well as the chance to carry out more of their food shopping in Lymm instead of surrounding towns.”

Earlier this year, nearly 400 people attended a public exhibition on the plans. Responses received during and after the event, indicated that the majority were in favour of the proposal. Planning officers had also recommended that the scheme be approved.

Construction is likely to start later this year with the new store expected to be open in summer 2015.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

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