
Tilston Parochial C of E Primary School receives planning approval for extensions

Planning approval has been granted for two new single storey extensions at Tilston Primary School. The proposals will provide a large multipurpose school hall and a new classroom, to replace the existing mobile classroom at the rear of the school.

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The two extensions have been designed to be sympathetic to the existing school in terms of scale and appearance. The elevational treatment of the extensions has been designed to contrast with, yet complement the existing buildings.

Both extensions have a large feature glazed wall, maximising natural daylight into the spaces.

Work is expected to commence on site summer 2016.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

Thank you

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