Beech House Infant’s School
- Location: Bolton School
- Client: School Governors
- Type: New Build
- Value: £3.5 million
- Status: Completed
This brand new purpose built Infant School comprises a three-form entry of approximately 200 pupils ranging from the ages of four to seven.
The previous school facilities for the Infants were inadequate and this new development provides modern teaching accommodation to cater for the changing needs and educational requirements of the school. The design also takes on board the architectural impact of the existing listed buildings along the frontage of Chorley New Road.
This was one of the first buildings to be completed under the ten-year masterplan that was developed taking into account the holistic site opportunities and constraints.
The other main developments from the masterplan were the Boys’ Junior School extensions and refurbishment, new Girls’ Junior School (Hesketh House) and a new sixth form centre (The Riley Centre).