
Cassidy + Ashton submits updated plans for Phase One of Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone

Cassidy + Ashton has submitted updated plans for the third stage of Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone’s Phase One regeneration.

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The plans have been submitted on behalf of the Enterprise Zone with Blackpool Council. They include the creation of new business and industrial units, a multi-purpose local hub and a new eastern gateway access road.

This third application works in conjunction with the two planning approvals already granted for new grass pitches and new sports facilities as the next step towards the completion of Phase One.

The new grass pitches, relocated south of the area are now in use, with the new sports facilities, including changing facilities and a spectator pavilion and reconfigured car parking due to be completed for the start of the 2022-23 season.

The updated proposals submitted by Cassidy + Ashton seek to redevelop the original playing fields for commercial development. Covering an area of approximately 13.55 hectares, it includes plans for 8.97 hectares of office and industrial floorspace for employment use and a local hub comprising of a day nursery, retail outlets and a café.

A new access road is outlined in the plans, linking Amy Johnson Way on the existing business park to provide access from Common Edge Road.

The updated plans also incorporate ancillary elements including an electric vehicle charging hub, junction and highway improvement works, drainage works, car parking and an electricity substation.

An original application which covered plans for the entire development of Phase One at the Enterprise Zone’s eastern gateway was withdrawn to focus on three individual strands.

Breaking down the development into three elements ensures the local community will continue to have access to playing fields and sports facilities during the development of the area.

Cabinet Member for Business Enterprise and Job Creation Councillor Mark Smith said: “It’s great to see the third planning application being submitted as we continue the momentum at this strategic development site for the Fylde Coast.

“The build out of the eastern gateway development land at Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone is crucial to ongoing economic regeneration of the area and will bring with it countless benefits including new sustainable, long term, skilled employment, new services for the community and opportunities for local businesses to continue their growth close to home and their workforce.”

Claire Parker, senior planning consultant at Cassidy + Ashton, said: “Having been involved with the architectural and town planning work at the Enterprise Zone since 2018, Cassidy + Ashton is proud to continue supporting Blackpool Council with its ambitious plans for the Enterprise Zone.

“By approaching the plans for this phase of development in three stages, the local community continues to have access to sporting and recreational facilities throughout the development. This application will serve to support the long-term vision for the Zone’s eastern gateway and in doing so will not only provide improved commercial and leisure facilities, it also offers considerable economic benefits to the entire Borough.”

Phase One is the first phase of Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone, with £28.8m allocated for the redevelopment of the 144-hectare site.

  • Royal Institute of British Architects - RIBA
  • Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - RICS
  • Royal Town Planning Institute - RTPI
  • iso9001
  • iso14001
  • abr

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